Prepare this When Your Little One Starts Ea6ng Their First Solid Foods!
25 August 2021

Your little one is starting to eat solid food and you don't know what to prepare? Calm down, Moms! In order for the process of your little one learning to eat solid food more smoothly, you only need to prepare a few simple things and of course you can still carry out activities without obstacles. What needs to be prepared? Check together, come on!

Set daily meal schedule

Your little one who starts his first solid food should focus on eating. Therefore, start a habit every day when you start cleaning your hands with Kodomo Baby Wipes which are safe for your little one's sensitive skin. In addition to cleaning his hands, try to calm him first and put him in a special baby chair. When starting to eat, make sure the environment is calm and don't install TV or music that can distract your little one. This can help your little one to focus and recognize the feeling of fullness he feels.

Be patient and keep doing it regularly

Starting the first solid food is not easy. Your little one needs to adjust and feel comfortable with the food you give and the sensation of food going into his mouth. Your little one may put on different expressions when you give them food with different textures and tastes. However, this is normal because he has just tasted different kinds of flavors and textures, apart from breast milk.

Get ready to “fall apart”

Food scraps around the face, hands, and even the little one's clothes are unavoidable. This is part of learning and not something you should worry about. To prevent food from falling all over the place, prepare a bib that he uses every .me he wants to eat. Now, when using this bib, your little one can explore how to eat and can eat food with their own creativity. To make cleaning easier, prepare Kodomo Baby Wipes, versatile wet wipes that are safe to use for your little one's sensitive skin. In addition, Kodomo Baby Wipes are also able to kill bacteria up to 99.9% and are free of alcohol and parabens. With Kodomo Baby Wipes, cleaning your little one's skin is easier and safer.

Pay attention to the nutrition

Your little one who is still in the development stage of course requires special nutrition that must be met every day. Therefore, check what nutrients he needs and what ingredients are rich in these nutrients and can be given to your little one. For example, you can give foods that are rich in nutrients, such as broccoli, apples, salmon, bananas, avocados, or pumpkin. For your little one's first food, it is recommended to give smooth foods first and add texture slowly as they get older. In addition, avoid adding flavorings, such as salt, sugar, or honey to your little one's food because they are not good for their development. You can give her some flavorings when she gets bigger and has a stronger digestive system.

Those are some things that must be prepared to give your little one solid food. What solid foods have you given your little one? Don't forget to always look for new recipes to process the same food ingredients so your little one doesn't get bored quickly!