Tips For You to be More Enthusiastic and Productive
29 September 2022

Have you ever felt the need to be more productive but your mood let you down? Whereas, productivity holds an important part for you who are still young and healthy. Not only making you worth your time, being a productive human being can radiates positive energy inside you and makes you develop from time to time.

Now, to save you from the remorse from the older version of yourself because you chose to be a block of wood in your youth, you should follow these tips from POSH to fire up your engines and to be more productive. Here are some tips for you:

1. Stop Stalling, Do It Now!

Girls, the habits of delaying things only make you even more lazy to start something, you would want to change this behavior right away. As the saying goes “You may delay, but time will not” so rather than delaying your work and obligation and keep piling them up and that will make you lazy, you better work on them ASAP.

2. Learn to Focus

Focus is one of the key factor that can get you in the zone and be more productive. When you are working on something, you need to stay focus to get it done. Don’t get easily distracted by things like your phone, because once you have a hold at your phone, you will unconsciously scroll through social media. You will lose focus and your work will be delayed.

3. Sort Out Your Top Priority First

Girls, if you have many desires and activities, what you would wanna do is to list it initially, and then sort them out based on their priority scale. Because that will help you to remind yourself which of which that you should finish first and which ones that you can put aside for the mean time.

4. Take a Break When You are Overwhelmed

You don’t need to work like there’s no tomorrow, Girls. Taking a break is essential so that your brain won’t be overwhelmed and can be powerful again when it is needed, plus it will revitalize your body. Alternate your activities with 5-10 minutes break, for example if you have a 2 hours work, you can alternate your activity with 10-20 breaks so you do not get bored.

5. Create a To-Do-List

By making a to-do-list on your daily activities, you will be more organized. For instance, note anything that you are going to do later today and apply time blocking for each and every activity. The purpose is to make your daily activities become more structured and you will be more discipline. If you are consistent on your to-do-list, later on your daily activities will be more scheduled and neatly formed by itself.

6. Choose Your Positive Friends

Find a friend that can help you to be motivated and productive. Moreover if that friend can do the work or activities together with you. Be careful not to pick a friend that can drag you down with their laziness, this is a never-ending loop that you don't wanna get into Girls!

Now, it is time for you to be that motivated and productive person. To help you go through your daily activities don’t forget to use POSH Body Spray Fresh Spirit. The fruity summer special fragrance fits your happy and motivated soul. Come on and try it now! #ExplorePOSHibility.