Beware of acute hepatitis disease! Let's get to know the symptoms & how it works Moms!
11 July 2022

A few months ago, Indonesia was again shocked by a mysterious disease better known as acute hepatitis. The case of acute hepatitis disease was first reported by World Health Organization (WHO) on April 5, 2022.

The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia has also reported 7 cases of children passing away suspected to suffer from acute hepatitis per May 2022. Therefore, it is important for Moms to know the symptoms of acute hepatitis to reduce your child's risk of suffering from acute hepatitis.

Hazards of Acute Hepatitis

This one is called acute hepatitis or mysterious hepatitis because until now the exact cause has not been known because it requires deep research. Although they both cause damage to liver organs, this acute hepatitis is different from hepatitis in general. Then, what are the early symptoms of acute hepatitis in your child?

According to laboratory examinations made by a number of scientists abroad on children, some hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E, also show that they are caused by adenovirus infection but the symptoms are hepatitis.

The disease often attacks children who are  previously healthy and active with a susceptible age of 11 months to 16 years. Since this condition is still not clearly known, WHO paid special attention to this case and declared it as an Extraordinary Event (KLB) as an effort to reduce the spread of the disease.

Symptoms of Acute Hepatitis

Moms should be alert when your children develops some of the acute hepatitis symptoms below.

  • Showing  symptoms of flu, such as nausea, vomiting, fever, and suffocation.
  • Exhaustion.
  • Decreasing appetite.
  • The presence of discomfort in the stomach (pain in the liver).
  • The change the color of urine into turbid and the skin experiences jaundice.
  • The color of feces is pale.
  • Weight loss with no apparent reason.

In addition to the above symptoms, people with acute hepatitis can also experience fever and rash that do not settle during the incubation period. Itching is usually not found at the beginning of the condition, but it can appear when the yellow disease persists.

Laboratory check results for liver function checks found in people with acute hepatitis also show Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase (SGOT) or Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase (SGPT), which is higher than 500 U/L. This means that the level of liver enzymes is so high that it has signs of inflammation or liver damage.

Risk Factors for Acute Hepatitis

Moms can try to prevent this disease by understanding the risks of acute hepatitis by understanding some of the risks such as:

  • Making contact with infected persons.
  • Poor hygiene and sanitation, such as exposure to unsafe water for drinking or washing products.
  • Having other liver diseases, such as autoimmune hepatitis, hemochromatosis, Wilson's disease, or alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency.
  • Sharing syringes or other objects that may be contaminated with the hepatitis virus.
  • Not having been vaccinated against hepatitis viruses, in particular HAV and HBV7.
  • Suffering from an acute or chronic infection with one or more hepatitis viruses.
  • Showing autoimmune disorders, such as polyendocrinopathy autoimmune candidiasis ectodermal dystrophy (APECE).
  • Being born from mothers infected with the hepatitis B virus, especially hepatitis B.

Prevention of Acute Hepatitis

Well, after understanding some of the risks, Moms can prevent and reduce the risk of acute hepatitis. Below are some prevention tips that Moms can do.

  • Vaccinations, especially hepatitis A and B vaccines, are already available to prevent the development of the disease.
  • Maintaining the cleanliness of water sources so that they do not become contaminated with hepatitis E virus (HEV).
  • Not lending and using the same toothbrush, razor, or syringe as others.
  • Being sure not to touch blood without protective gloves to avoid hepatitis C.
  • Washing consumed foodstuffs cleanly, especially shellfish and oysters, vegetables, and fruits.

Well, that's a few things about acute hepatitis that Moms needs to know. Also, make sure that Moms maintain the cleanliness of your children to avoid this disease by always using products from Kodomo. Start by always showering with Kodomo Body Wash , taking Kodomo Antibacterial Wipes anywhere, and always make sure your children brushes their teeth twice a day with a toothbrush and Kodomo toothpaste .