Prepare your Family for the New Normal, Ciptadent Launches the #IbuKuatkanIbu Program as a Platform for Sharing Information and Enthusiasm from Mother to Mother
03 July 2020

Inevitably, the Covid-19 has changed our way of lifethe way we live. This pandemic has compelled us to cope and adapt to survive in this current situation. Many adaptations have to be made, especially to do things only from home and still meeting all household needs in the midst of all the limitations of movement.

One of them is that we need to continue our daily activities from home and meet all household necessities, despite all the limitations of movement.

Indeed, the government has now begun to loosen the rules so activities dan be done outside the home. Now, the government has begun to loosen regulations on doing activities outside the home. People are now entering a new normal because all their activities must meet health protocols. The community has entered a new normal where all activities must be carried out by meeting the health protocols. So, in a matter of months, the community must make two adaptations: adaptation to work from home and social restrictions, and now adaptation to normal activities but with additional measures to prevent transmission of the corona virus. Some companies have implemented regulations for employees to return to work in the office and some businesses have reopened, but with additional measures to prevent coronavirus transmission.

One form of adaptation experienced by Mothers is that you must prepare your family and children to face this new reality. The others has a big role in the formation of  strong  nation.

Ciptadent, the toothpaste brand of the PT Lion Wings group presents the program "Ciptadent Kuatkan Indonesia" program, where Ciptadent always educates the Indonesian people that family dental health is very important,where Ciptadent educated the importance of family’s dental health to the community because having healthy teeth are necessary for building a strong nation.  because healthy teeth are the forerunner of a strong nation. This small step must be started from our own family and the figure of a mother is the most important thing in a family, especially in caring for her family's dental health. 

Specifically during this pandemic, Ciptadent accompanied Indonesian mothers and families with the #IbuKuatkanIbu program as a platform to share their enthusiasm and expressions in the daily lives of mothers. #IbuKuatkanIbu is a program that aims to raise the figure of the mothers as the vanguard of the family. Ciptadent invites mothers to encourage and strengthen one another. and keep strengthening one another.

With #IbuKuatkanIbu, Ciptadent hopes that mothers will notwon’t feel alone and have a circle of friends where they can share and strengthen one another. lift each other up.

In the invitation to strengthen each other, Ciptadent presented a number of programs, one of which was a live talkshow #IbuKuatkanIbu via Live IG which was One of the activities of  #IbuKuatkanIbu program was a live talkshow on Instagram, inspired by her mother’s strong figure in protecting taking care all of his herfamily members with love, tenderness and sincerity. The theme of the recent talkshow was In the last talkshow, which took the theme "Being a Strong Mother in Facing New Normal," with Mona Ratuliu, Ciptadent’s brand ambassador, and her best friend, Ersa Mayori. 

Mona Ratuliu had an unforgettable experience in her life because she had just given birth to her fourth child in the midst of a coronavirus pandemic. Childbirth is an important event for a mother and family. And giving birth in the midst of a pandemic is certainly an unusual, one of a kind experience. "Long story short, my husband could not accompany me  be there, in the delivery room with me because of the health protocols. It’s sad It was’t nice, but it has to be acceptedwe must accept it," Mona said on IG Live talkshow which aired on June 5.

"Fortunately, during my pregnancy, my mood was quite stable. So it wasn’t too difficult. And Indra helped me a lot. Seeing each other for 24 hours is not easy for us, and also with the children. But we are trying to adapt, "said Mona. 

The audience responded to the talkshow with various opinions. Some say that they often fight with their partner, but others are getting closer. Even some of them were joking that after this pandemic, many mothers will conceive and give birth, following Mona.

In responding to the "new normal" situation in Indonesia, as mothers, both Ersa and Mona explained that they’re happy because life would gradually back to normal, but on the other hand, they’re also quite nervous about facing a new situation.

"Ready or not, we have to face it. What we just experienced were already ‘new normal’ because our lives before were nothing like this. And finally we can adapt. Right now, while the children are not physically yet in school, it's time for us to educate and socialize it to the kids at home. We need to tell them how our life is going to be, what are the things we should do, shouldn’t do," said Mona. 

Mona reminded also reminds us that in addition to maintaining physical health, we must not forget to maintain our mental health. There are some who eventually become Not a few people who end up feeling stressed because this situation is indeed something new and has never happened before.

These days that we have at home can be used to build a moment of togetherness from by doing simple things, such as brushing teeth together. Mona said that now in this  house, she and her husband have more time to pay attention to how their children brush their teeth. 

Mona considers her family’s dental health is very important. You can say, Mona really hoped that she, her husband, and her children would never have problems with dental health. Especially during this pandemic, This is important, because the operation of health facilities such as hospitals, clinics, and dentists has not been fully operating as before. It will be hard to get a medical procedure during this time.

"We all are in the same condition. It's natural and okay to feel tired sometimes or we ran out of patience. Therefore, through this program we are here to strengthen each other. We all feel the same way and moms must stay strong and full of spirit for the children and family. And not only during this talkshow, but also in your daily life, we hope all moms and your new founded friends, we can strengthen and lift each other up in many ways," Mona concluded