5 traditional games with many benefits for your kid's growth and development
22 August 2022

In today's technology era, many children spend a lot of time in front of the screen, both mobile phones, televisions, and laptops. Whereas according to the Washington Post, a journal published by the American Academy of Pediatrics it is explained that the use of electronics by children can interfere with their development, especially speech and language development.

Therefore, it is important for parents to introduce and teach traditional games so that their children are more interested in getting good games and lessons in a fun way.

Besides, by teaching children traditional games, they will be more cheerful because they can interact with their friends when playing traditional games. So, what kind of traditional games can educate children?

Jump Rope Game

Maybe for Moms, this game is familiar, and Moms definitely used to play it at school. Yeah, this jump rope game is done by jumping the rope. Like other sports, this game requires children to jump high. The rope that is used at this game is easy to make, Moms only need a rubber band that has been tied with a knot to be shaped like a long rope.

To play this game, at least Moms need 3 people, two people hold the end of the rope, and one person jumps over it. This game is divided into several stages, starting from a rope that is stretched very low, namely it is as high as the ankle to jump. Until it reaches a few crabs overhead to pass through. Then, there is also a part where the children should jump in tandem with a whirling rope.

By doing this game, Moms can train children's physical condition and patience while waiting for their turn, and train their concentration when jumping rope.

Engklek (Hopscotch) Game

Engklek or Hopscotch is known as Sundah Mandah where the Dutch dictionary has the meaning of Sunday Monday. Where the game comes from 7 boxes that are usually pictured on asphalt which is drawn with chalk symbolizing 7 days of the week.

Playing this game also requires your children's physics to be active. They will be asked to jump over the box with one foot each and will tread on 1 box and place both soles if they are on 2 boxes side by side.

At the beginning of the game, children should throw small flat pieces of stone into the box in sequence. Then, he can start the game if the slab is in the intended box.

In addition to training your children's physical condition, this game also trains them to concentrate and to be patient when they haven't got a turn or the plate hasn't been successfully entered into the box.

Moreover, engklek also helps teach what it means to work hard after getting tired of jumping with one foot and getting ‘the home‘ at the end of the game.


Congklak is also one of the traditional educational games for children. This game is originally from Java and is generally played by girls.

Playing this game is quite easy and practical, Moms only need to provide a special board with 16 holes and 98 grains or shells. Usually, the game is played by two players. The shells are placed equally into 14 holes in the board. Then, the children had to take the shells from one of the holes and place them in each hole on the right side.

Dragon Snake

Moms, do you remember this song from the game? Yes “Ular naga panjangnya bukan kepalang~ (~The dragon's body is so long~)” that's a snippet of the song children sing when playing the dragon snake game.

To play this game, at least Moms need 7 children, two of whom will act as guards, while the rest try to walk past the guards.

To play it, players just need to line up and hold one player in front of them on the soldiers and walk past the guards. When the song ends, the keeper will take one player and the player caught is eliminated from the game. With this game, Moms can create a fun learning in the growth and development of the Children.

Playing Kite

Moms, if there is a large field in the environment around the house and  in the place there are not many people, try to introduce this traditional game. Flying kites was one of the most popular traditional games in the past, even today there are still many children playing them. However, due to limited space, usually, these games are often found to be placed around the beach or in large parks.

Well, it is  some traditional games Moms can teach children at home. By playing traditional games, Moms do not only help preserve this almost extinct game. But there are many benefits your children can obtain.

After doing these fun traditional games, make sure Moms also invite your children to take a shower! Because the average game drains the energy that makes them sweat. Well, make sure Moms also let them shower with Kodomo Bodywash and Kodomo Shampoo & Conditioner.

With Kodomo Body Wash, Moms can continue the game while bathing. Where Kodomo Body Wash comes with a bubble stick that makes bathing even more fun while playing with soap bubbles.

Don't forget to complement it with Kodomo Shampoo & Conditioner which keeps your child hair fresh all day long. It also helps protect hair from the outside smell.